
Thank you for selecting Armstrong’s ChapterLink, the tool that empowers chapter administrators to manage chapter events and communications!

ChapterLink allows authorized chapter administrators to access the tools in iMIS to create chapter-specific events, update details of those events, and control registration for the events.  It also allows administrators to communicate with their chapter members with auto-populating current membership lists and to view all upcoming chapter events on a calendar.

Note: This guide follows the default paths used in the installation guide.

Creating Events


Navigate to https://{iMIS Installation}/{Chapter Management Folder}/create-chapter-event.aspx

To create the event, supply the necessary fields, including Event Title, Description, Start Date, End Date, Capacity, meeting link (if applicable), and Event Status.*


* Leaving event as Pending will prevent people from registering for the event.  Be sure to change Pending to Active when you are ready to begin accepting registrations for your event.



Click Create Event to return to the Manage Events page.  From there, select View Chapter Calendar to see the new event.

Updating Events


Navigate to https://{iMIS Installation}/{Chapter Management Folder}/manage-events.aspx.




Under the EventTitle listing, select the event from the list to update.





Update the event fields as needed and select Update Event once done.  The event will update in iMIS and redirect you back to the Manage Events page.


Sending Emails

Chapter administrators will be able to communicate via email to their members and event registrants using the Communication module in ChapterLink.

Navigate to https://{iMIS Installation}/{Chapter Management Folder}/ChapterCommunicationInitial.aspx.


From: The sender's email. Recommended using email domains that are set up to send from iMIS to avoid spam detection.

To: To recipients. By default this will include anyone in the recipient query. Additional emails can be added, separated by semicolons or commas. Please note that recipients added in this way will receive a copy of the email for each recipient in the recipient query, this is normal iMIS communication procedure. 

Cc: Cc recipients. Additional emails can be added, separated by semicolons or commas. Please note that recipients added in this way will receive a copy of the email for each recipient in the recipient query, this is normal iMIS communication procedure.

Bcc: Blind copy recipients. Additional emails can be added, separated by semicolons or commas. Please note that recipients added in this way will receive a copy of the email for each recipient in the recipient query, this is normal iMIS communication procedure.

Subject: Subject line.

Recipient Query: A selection of a filtered group of recipients. The radio buttons above allow selection of emailing members of a chapter or emailing registrants of a particular chapter event. By default Chapter Management Suite comes with three queries listed below.

  • Email members within a chapter
    • ChapterAdministrators - Contains a list of administrators for a particular chapter.
    • ChapterMemberRecipients - Contains a list of members for a particular chapter.
  • Email chapter event registrants
    • ChapterEventRegistrants - Contains registrants for a particular event. Can filter by event associated to that chapter.

Staff can add additional recipient queries by going to Staff site > RiSE > Intelligent Query Architect, then in the root of Chapter Management Suite IQA folder , navigate to Email Groups/(Chapter Event Registrants or Member Recipients)

Body: Chapter Management Suite comes with a WYSIWYG editor for customizing the body of the email. Merge tags are available fields brought in from the Recipient Query. It is important to note that there is a limit of 4,000 characters including the HTML code.

When finished, click on Send Email. It may take a few minutes depending on how large the recipient list is. 

A chapter administrator or staff member can access previously sent emails by adding the Interaction Log iPart to the profile page. In addition, staff can also see chapter emails in Marketing > Communication logs of the staff site.  





Once you are finished, click Send Email to send the email and return back to the Manage Events page.  If your email was on the To, Cc, or Bcc, an email will arrive in your inbox shortly.