From: The sender's email. Recommended using email domains that are set up to send from iMIS to avoid spam detection.
To: To recipients. By default this will include anyone in the recipient query. Additional emails can be added, separated by semicolons or commas. Please note that recipients added in this way will receive a copy of the email for each recipient in the recipient query, this is normal iMIS communication procedure.
Cc: Cc recipients. Additional emails can be added, separated by semicolons or commas. Please note that recipients added in this way will receive a copy of the email for each recipient in the recipient query, this is normal iMIS communication procedure.
Bcc: Blind copy recipients. Additional emails can be added, separated by semicolons or commas. Please note that recipients added in this way will receive a copy of the email for each recipient in the recipient query, this is normal iMIS communication procedure.
Subject: Subject line.
Recipient Query: A selection of a filtered group of recipients. The radio buttons above allow selection of emailing members of a chapter or emailing registrants of a particular chapter event. By default Chapter Management Suite comes with three queries listed below.
- Email members within a chapter
- ChapterAdministrators - Contains a list of administrators for a particular chapter.
- ChapterMemberRecipients - Contains a list of members for a particular chapter.
- Email chapter event registrants
- ChapterEventRegistrants - Contains registrants for a particular event. Can filter by event associated to that chapter.
Staff can add additional recipient queries by going to Staff site > RiSE > Intelligent Query Architect, then in the root of Chapter Management Suite IQA folder , navigate to Email Groups/(Chapter Event Registrants or Member Recipients)
Body: Chapter Management Suite comes with a WYSIWYG editor for customizing the body of the email. Merge tags are available fields brought in from the Recipient Query. It is important to note that there is a limit of 4,000 characters including the HTML code.
When finished, click on Send Email. It may take a few minutes depending on how large the recipient list is.
A chapter administrator or staff member can access previously sent emails by adding the Interaction Log iPart to the profile page. In addition, staff can also see chapter emails in Marketing > Communication logs of the staff site.