Zapier for iMIS Guide - Gift Entry Import

Have you ever wished for a way to simplify and automate importing gifts into iMIS from external locations that will streamline the process without sacrificing accuracy?  Well, wish no more, because Zapier and iAppConnector are here!

NOTE: We recommend connecting to Zapier using an iMIS licensed user account with level 4 Fundraising module permissions or higher.

Introducing the iAppConnector Gift Entry Import Zap Template for Zapier!

This guide will be using the Google Sheet Import Sample.
*Google Sheets is a free online application requiring only a Google account; however, this guide can be used with other online-based spreadsheet applications as well.

Using this process for gift entry in iMIS first requires you to configure the Zap and then later to run it.  First, here are the steps to configure the Zap:


What this does - A trigger in Zapier is an event that starts a Zap.  In our example, the trigger is when a new spreadsheet row is added to the Google Sheet Import document.  Using Google Sheets' API, Zapier sees that a new row has been added and immediately triggers the start of this Zap.  

To set up the trigger, begin a new Zap in Zapier and for the trigger, add Google Sheets as the app and New Spreadsheet Row as the event. 
 The spreadsheet name will be the name that is given to the spreadsheet file. In this guide we are calling it the iAC Gift Import Sample. Only the first sheet is needed.  
 Test the trigger then move on to the next step.   


What this does - The Zapier Formatter takes data from one source and transforms it so that it will be available in the correct format to be used by later steps in the Zap.

Between your configured trigger and the Action box below it, click the + symbol to add another step to the zap. 

Search for Formatter by Zapier as the app, and select Utilities as the event. 
Do not click the Continue button yet; instead, click Action. 

On the Transform drop-down, select Line Itemizer (Create/Append/Prepend).  This will reveal a number of additional fields.

For this Zap, set the Line-item(s) Group Name to "Soft Credits" (type this out, not selected from the drop-down)

Beneath this is the Line-item Properties area.  In the first box, type ID, and in the drop-down box beneath that, find and select Soft Credit ID.
Click the + sign to add another property.  Repeat this twice to add property Percentage linked to Soft Credit Percentage and to add property Amount linked to Soft Credit Amount.

On the Line-item Properties list,
select the Soft Credit IDSoft Credit Percentage, and Soft Credit Amount from the spreadsheet as values. Set the property names as IDPercentage, and Amount.

Click Continue and then test the trigger before continuing to the next step. 


What this does - This step walks you through configuring the main action of the Zap so it will be ready to take the data that originated in the Google Sheets worksheet then which was formatted by the Utilities Formatter, and import the data into iMIS via iAppConnector. 

Back at the main Zap screen, click on 3. Action, then search for and select iMIS (iAppConnector) as the app and Gift Entry as the event.   
In the Action setup area, map the Batch IdBatch DateTypeDonor IDList AsAnonymous GiftRequestAmountGift Item, and Source Code to their respective fields.  
 For the Soft Credits, map the Soft Credits IDSoft Credits Percentage, and Soft Credits Amount from the second step formatter. If the property names are not showing, navigate back to the second step and hand-type in a value to the properties list, then re-test the action.  
Continue mapping the Moves Manager IDTribute TypeTributee NameTribute MessageNotify Contact IDPayment MethodCheck Number, and Do not receipt from the spreadsheet trigger.  
Testing the action step will provide the Batch Id that is useful for posting the batch covered later in this guide, the Batch Name to lookup in iMIS, the Gift Id, and the Donation Type. It is important to note that testing the action will also create the batch and gift in iMIS. Now publish the Zap.  
That's it! You have successfully configured the Gift Import Zap, and it is ready to be used to bring gift data into iMIS.  Continue reading for instructions on (a) performing the import and (b) posting the batch.  

Perform the import


On the Zap list page, select the arrow to the right of the gift import Zap.   
 Select the Transfer data option.  
 Select all rows and click next.  
 Click Send data.  
 Check the Zap history to ensure all gifts were entered successfully.  


Post the batch

To post the batch using Zapier for iMIS, we must set up a separate Zap for this purpose.  This is the most complex part of this process, but if you follow the directions below carefully and precisely, you should have no problems with it:

As we set up the batch posting Zap, we will need the Batchid that was given to us after the Gift Entry action step had processed.  We can easily retrieve the this from the Zap History of our recent import.   
Create a new Zap.

The trigger step can be on a schedule or called manually. The action step that follows will be using the iMIS (iAppConnector) app with API Request as the event.
In the action setup, select POST in the HTTP Method, type /api/ImportBatch/_execute in the URL, and add the following for the body of the request:   {
  "$type": "Asi.Soa.Core.DataContracts.ImportBatchPostRequest, Asi.Contracts",
  "BatchId" : "%Batch Id%",


Replace %Batch Id% with the Batch Id from the Gift Entry action. Select continue then test the action step. Confirm the batch is posted with iMIS. If it is not posted, iMIS will display the errors needed to resolve the batch.   


Congratulations!  You've successfully configured and ran the iAppConnector Gift Entry Zap!  If you have any questions or problems running it, please contact us anytime at  Thanks!